Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day Two

I was so afraid that I was going to lose another day to rain, but after some morning showers, I was able to get busy.  You aren't going to be able to see a lot of where today's effort went, though.  I had a plan, complete with drawings and measurements.  However, that plan required a lot of ripping to get a batch of 1x2s and beveling.  However, something is wrong with my table saw.  It took me a few hours to diagnose/try to fix/give up on the table saw.  That meant that I had to bevel with a Skilsaw (ARG!!)  Also, without a full set of framing on either side, I was guessing about how much of the back wall was supposed to attach to the sides.  Then, when I realized that I was not going to have my table saw to help, I decided to give up on ripping everything and use what I had (1x3s in most cases, versus 1x2s), so I had to redo the measurements.  Blah, blah, blah.

Here is a shot of the back now.  You can see where I replaced the rear lower framing just behind the bumper.  Because the paneling used to go between the floor and that new piece, I cut a piece of paneling to be the same height of the 1x4 to make sure that I didn't mess up the overall measurements.  When I put the paneling in from the inside, it will obviously no longer go between the floor and that outside board. I don't know if that is right or wrong, but short of assembling the entire back wall with the paneling in place, then putting it up, I didn't know how else to do it.

Here is another strange thing.  On both sides, there is a piece of framing that goes from the very bottom, up to where the skin changes angles.  On the port side, you can see the really dark brown board.  On the right, you can see my new light colored board.  Both boards start in exactly the same place and stop at exactly the same place.  However, the port side board is 1/4" longer than the starboard side.  Swell.  I have to make sure to get the next piece right (it connects the two boards I just mentioned all of the way from one side to the other.  More importantly, the board that sits on top of that has to support the window.  That's a riddle for tomorrow.

I'll move around to the starboard side, so you can see where I replaced part of that lowest board on that side.  You can also see the first part of inside framing peeking out from under the skin.  Oh boy!

Here's a shot from the inside starboard corner.  On the port side, the lower part of the port side framing is shy of aligning with the rear framing by 1/4", so I did the same thing on the starboard side, but it just doesn't look right to me.  Fortunately, I used screws (rather than the original nails), so if I need to take something apart and do it again, it won't be too hard.  Well, it won't be too hard PHYSICALLY; emotionally is another thing entirely.

One more from a different angle.

You can see a little bit better that there is the first starboard side of the rear panel framing.

Looking again at the starboard side, you see that 1x2 vertical that needs to come out.  In order to do that, I have to peel back the starboard skin again and go up higher.  I don't really know how far up that piece is rotten - or how far up it goes.  I'll find out tomorrow!!!

'night happy campers!

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