Well, today isn't going to go be one of those Wow days, visually, but that's OK. Today's primary goal was to remove all of the gunk on the edge of all of the aluminum so that I may fasten it to the new spiffy framing, then apply butyl tape and close it up. There is every imaginable type of caulking all of this puppy, so that was a real challenge. The surface is not flat, it is easily damaged, you can't use a metal scaper and you run into screw/nail/staple holes every couple of inches. Otherwise, it's a cinch!!
Here is a photo from first thing this morning. You're looking at the port side rear.
At this time, I thought this was one of the worst spots, so I used it as an example. WRONG!!! Be that as it may, you see latex caulking, then the remnants of the old type of butyl tape, two stales and dirt. And look! The quilted section actually used to be gold. Can you see it on the right? Who knew!!
I worked on removing this stuff for two hours, at which point I decided that there just HAD to be a better way. So I drove up to the closest hardware store to find caulking solvent/remover. They didn't have it. Fine! I went to the next hardware store up the street and they had it. That added an hour to the day (grumble, grumble, snort). But I spread the remover all over the caulked areas and waited two hours.
What did I do during that two hours? Drink margaritas? Run a marathon? Why no? I'll show you.
Trixie now has two, count 'em, two new outlets!
The one above is affectionately known as the Jesus outlet. Clever, right? Well, the Jesus light came with Trixie. I happen to think it is all part of a bigger plan. I wonder if this is what God meant by "Jesus is the light.". OK. Don't get bent out of shape. God INVENTED the sense of humor, you know. I actually really like this light.
I put in the remainder of the rear panel framing. Originally there were only three slats, but I wanted one more.
The ceiling vent was bent in many places, was covered in electrical tape, duct tape and sealants of every possible variety. I bought a new vent last week that actually had a little fan in it, so I figured I should look into the wiring possibilities while I was already making a big mess. The whole camper is covered in a massive tarp right now (Thanks, Tom!!), so out came the old wreck of a ceiling vent. It wasn't easy, mind you. It took multiple screw drivers, two putty knives, a hack saw and a crowbar, but the blasted thing finally came out. Phew! The framing, although not perfect, still looks pretty good.
This area is just a foot or two from the bathroom, where all of the 12v power lines emanate, so this shouldn't be bad.
Egads! What is all of this mess on the floor, you ask? Why, there in the midst of the third hands, the Shop Vac and the stepladder, I cannot imagine what is the cause of all of the flotsam and jetsam.
Oh golly gee. Ya think THIS might be it? This photo actually makes it look not so bad. NOT SO FAST!! in that corner there is literally a hole in the framing that goes back 1.5 - inches and then I just can't see. Really!?! Is this necessary? I won't be able to fasten the new vent/fan until this is repaired. Oy!!
But there is some good news. After a 2.5 hour wait, here are the results of the caulk remover. Go all of the way back to the top of today's post and you'll see the "Before" photo. NICE!!
Uh oh, though. It takes off caulking like a dream, but WHOA, it also removes the paint! Look how sparkly it is! Fortunately I have a few cans of Rust-Oleum primer, so I'll hit this first think in the morning.
Unfotunately, I found the very worse caulking area, but didn't think to take a photo of the "before" scenario. But suffice it to say that I applied a second coat of the caulk killer and I'll attack it in the morning.
I think that is about it for the day. We'll get together again tomorrow!!!
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